All verification process given to Bots

Dhan has handed over all account opening process to bots, without applying any mind and seeking input from customers.
Verification for account opening being rejecetd again and again.
While same documents being used for account opening on other platforms as well as bank.

Highly disappointing experience.
Even customer service on chat is a bot.

Hi @Tradingmonkey, this is incorrect statement. We do all validations required as per regulations for KYC and Onboarding + Customer Service is done by real-humans, when we move to bots - we will post a note on that.

On KYC, the processes have changed significantly from what were happening earlier. Now all documents uploaded and shared need to be also verified by exchanges and depositories, we do not want to approve a document or profile which will be rejected by the exchanges / depositories later.

Our success rates are > 99.9% just because we ensure all docs are correctly approved and compliant always. We do not want to approve now, and later your account goes on hold / suspended for incorrect information. Everyday we approve 1000s of KYC related documents.

If your account is not yet approved on KYC, request you to drop us a note on and we will expedite the same.

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