API Data is not coming for new equity

Code :-
print(“From date :- " + fdate)
print(” To Date :- " + todaydate)

dhan = dhanhq(cvars.dhanclientID, cvars.access_token)
data = dhan.historical_minute_charts(oldSymbol, dhan.NSE, ‘EQUITY’, 0, fdate, todaydate)

output :

From date :- 2023-04-21
To Date :- 2023-04-22
{‘status’: ‘success’, ‘remarks’: ‘’, ‘data’: {}}

another output :
From date :- 2023-04-21
To Date :- 2023-04-21
{‘status’: ‘success’, ‘remarks’: ‘’, ‘data’: {}}

From date :- 2023-04-21
To Date :- 2023-04-21
{‘status’: ‘success’, ‘remarks’: ‘’, ‘data’: {}}

same goes for vmart

From date :- 2023-04-21
To Date :- 2023-04-21
{‘status’: ‘success’, ‘remarks’: ‘’, ‘data’: {}}

why it is not giving the data for Friday even if I try to fetch from 21 to 22 or 21 to 21

I am running this on next day 4 AM. Very puzzled because for some it is coming and for some not.

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OK got the data when it is changed to

From date :- 2023-04-20
To Date :- 2023-04-21

Great, and nice to see you after a while @SudeshBhardwaj