Basket order Window


  • The basket order window is too wide which is overlapping the watchlist section adjust according to the right section width.

  • Make it open while we do an activity out of the basket window.

I have also highlighted two points for the TV basket earlier (Introducing: Basket Orders on TradingView, with real-time Margins - #3 by Siddharth).

Hope you will come up with changes.

Feedback noted for this @Siddharth, what’s your monitor / laptop resolution set to?

Btw, we provide option to minimise the basket view, but yes - still a valid feedback. Acknowledged.

Hi @PravinJ, thank you for the quick response.

I’m using 24 inches 4K resolution monitors. As per my knowledge resolution doesn’t matter and the CSS was not coded as per the right section width.

If you observe the basket window on widescreen devices, it’s overlapping the watchlist. If it’s a smaller resolution the basket window is fitting perfectly within the right section.

Dhan Basket (1)
Open this picture in new tab

The basket order window should be within the right section range (blue area) and shouldn’t exceed the width of the right section.

The minimize option is provided for the height. When we do an activity out of the basket window it should stay open. Kindly go through this: Introducing: Basket Orders on TradingView, with real-time Margins - #2 by Siddharth

Thank you.

Noted, this made the understanding even simpler. Thanks for this @Siddharth, sharing with our team.

We generally don’t touch trading systems through the week and there are some developments to be pushed to live (we will announce them this week), will pick this up post that.

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