Bracket Order for Delivery of shares - it's good for swing trading

Hi - Bracket orders currently support only in intraday. I am not sure but if you can do this for delivery also with GTD features then it will be good. I don’t care about brokerage if we have a nice features in place. Already have a forever feature but can’t give SL and Target at one time. Kindly consider this.


Hi @amar12.1282, Welcome to Dhan community. We are working on few things to ensure automation of EDIS to enable few things in that direction. They will be available under forever orders only, give us time - its in our list of things to do. We will post it when we pick up.

Completely understand the need of some of these features, they have been requested by many users as well.


That’s good. Thank you.


Hi Pravin , I also requested the same feature, few months back Bracket Order for swing trades where we can place Entry SL and Target like its available in Trading View. In trading view we can put the time in force like week, month, gtd, as Dhan integrated with Trading View I hope to get this feature soon.

Please consider the feature request.

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There are limitations on TradingView related suggestions, we always evaluate what we get but due to the restrictions in library or product on TV side, we are not able to implement all.

if we can get the same feature (BO for swing trade) in Dhan that will also work for swing trading

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