Desperately needed pay off graph of an existing position in dhan web

I used to hedge my position, so many do this, in dhan there is no pay off graph for pre & post position to see breakevens and Greeks…
You can refer the other platforms like kite to understand what I mean. They Integrated sensible so well with the existing positions… and also we can see the risk and reward, breakeven option Greeks etc before taking the position in basket order.


Hi @Jp007

Noted your request.
Though we have recently come up with Options Trader app. Here is the link.
We have Payoff graphs for the readymade strategies. This is first and basic version from us. We will come up with many more interesting features on this app as well as on web.

I registered for early access, i got that too…
In that also you didn’t mentioned breakvens, i already gave feedback on that to your team.
No Greeks…
It’s very basic…

To the options traders,
What is important is pay off graphs in basket which helps a lot before taking positions. When we have open position, if anything goes wrong we always try to check payoff and breakvens before hedge it .

For that we approaching external sites but some times they are not updated and sometimes site crashed.

Integration of sensibull is fine, if you don’t have plans to develop the custom one.

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