Dhan TV - Instant Bracket Order

even they don’t allow us to place trigger Stoploss orders through + button while we have enabled instant orders. everytime you get error because by default they put Same Limit price as trigger price while placing trigger stoploss order through + sign in instant orders feature…

i hope & requesting them @PravinJ to fix this issue of trigger order through + sign so that we can easily place trigger stoploss orders whenver we are using instant orders in tv.dhan !

Hi @mayur.mehta.12

At this moment, you can place a bracket order with a market or limit order type as a first leg with TGT & SL.

Just to add, in order to place the Bracket or Cover order you need to maintain the required gap range/stop loss range for BO and CO Min SL Range of 0.25% or Rs.0.50 Paise (whichever is high) for Equity and Future & 0.2% for index future and 2% for Options.

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