Exit selected positions

while exiting spreads at one go, the sell order should get exited first then the buy order but when we select the sell order checkbox 1st and then the buy order checkbox, the sell order gets rejected due to margin shortfall and the buy order gets exited. It happens everytime we try to exit the spreads. Do we have to select the buy order first before the sell order to exit without margin shortfall?

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Hi @Option_Seller_pk,

Welcome to Dhan community!

We are optimizing this scenario while closing positions from β€œExit All” tab. In the meantime, request you to kindly manually close the parent leg (short-sell) first.

and what about exit selected positions? does it exicute in order of selected positions?

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one tap exit for selected positions should be available! dont you think so this is a serious issue?

Hi @Option_Seller_pk,

To take benefit of hedge scenarios without margin shortfall penalty, it is important that the parent leg is squared-off first.

Exit all works seamlessly in all other cases.