Forever order on Tradingview

Well Dhan isnt the only nor first broker to get listed on Tradingview.
Interactive Broker also provide access to link to Tradingivew and execute trades.

They have Good till Cancel feature and it works perfectly.
I request Dhan to implement the same soon.

p.s Interactive broker supports NSE and have offices in india


Also my past trades & holdings are synced in TV if i log in via Interactive broker but in Dhan, i can only see today’s position.

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Hi @Satyam,

We have noted your suggestion, we will surely evaluate to add GTC feature in TradingView.

Just to add, Dhan is the first Indian broker to integrate with TradingView :slightly_smiling_face:


May 25 2022 IB integrate with TV

But yes they might not be “Indian Broker” but they have registered with NSE in 2016 i guess (i can be wrong about year)

i have account with them since 2019, they have HQ in mumbai india,

so they are first “NSE-Enabled” broker to integrate with TV

@Poornima Anyways kindly bring GTC Feature & Synchronization of holdings & order to TV soon.



I didn’t say that.

All i wanted to convey to dhan is to implement above mentioned necessary feature and there is a broker which already have them.

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SOURCE :- Welcome Dhan — now live on TradingView – TradingView Blog

I had attached an direct link of the post, may be just if you are interested to read.

As you said Dhan isn’t the only nor 1st broker to get listed on tradingview but what i can see on Tradingview blog— TRADINGVIEW itself claiming that Dhan is FIRST INDIAN BROKER with the image that too.

I guess Tradingview has published wrong post :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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@Pradhan They are first “Indian Broker” whereas Interactive broker is "US-based broker"which ahas setup their office in Mumbai, India.

Anyways as a rational user all i want from dhan is to enabled GTC/GTT and synchronisation of holdings & orders.

I’m least concerned who is first or second broker to implement TV.

I hope my message & intention is clearly understood .

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if you are least concerned who is 1st or last then your first sentence of the post should not be like this. Even i got confused :rofl:

Simply you can just mentioned about GTC/GTT etc etc etc.

Anyways it happens…

I guess i got carried away…

Although i don’t know the exact defination of “Indian Broker” , assuming it means the broker which allow trading in Indian Market then Interactive Broker is first.

But if it means the broker which have their HQ in Indian then dhan is first.

Eitherway as long my intention of message is clearly understood, and requested features are implemented I’m happy.

P.s I trade mostly via Zerodha :stuck_out_tongue: but planning to switch over to dhan fully. Before i do that i was hoping they add few necessary feature that’s all …

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@PravinJ @Dhan what is offensive into these words?

I also have requested @Dhan @PravinJ many times to have this feature, to have the order pannel as its in trading view and the time frame, which will be helpful for swing traders where limit order can be placed for time trader wants.

Bracket order for swing trader is most needed feature

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@Dhan @PravinJ also i am not getting this order pannel when i login with dhan in trading view

it shows like this

which is not true limit order

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Not sure, it seems to be auto flagged by Discourse @onkar

hi @AKM, Paper Trading module of TradingView is completely different from Actual Trading on exchanges. Some of these capabilities are not available on live trading.

Hi @Satyam, honestly I really don’t understand what is the fun in proving we are first or not.

I am personally happy that we are first India based broker, among the 500 odd stock brokers who went ahead and integrated this - anyone of 500 odd brokers in India could have gone ahead and done it. If you would like to accept that you can, if not you can skip - its completely your choice.

As @Pradhan share the TradingView post itself, they acknowledge Dhan as first trading platform from India. I am sure 10 others will follow Dhan in future., thats perfectly alright with us.