New Feature Announcement: Save Technical Indicators and Drawings on charts

Stock prices fluctuate by the seconds, and to help in tracking it, indicators play an important role. It is a unique tool that allows you to keep a track of how the market is moving and can help you make more informed trading decisions as prices rise and fall.

At Dhan, we provide users with both TradingView and ChartIQ charting tools with dozens of indicators. As a trader, selecting indicators is one the most important parts of the process. Once a trader is benefited by a particular indicator and drawings on the chart, he would like to come back to those same parameters again.

Introducing one of our most requested feature, Save your Favourite Technical Indicators and Drawings!

You can access your strategies from anywhere no matter what device you use, as all your strategies will be synced across all your devices (mobile and web).

How to access this feature?
Navigate to TradingView Charts on your device, choose your preferred indicator. Select the β€˜Template’ option to save your technical indicator.


ChartIQ canvas will automatically save all your indicators and drawings.

This feature was highly requested by many of our users, and staying true to our philosophy, we delivered it.

Bonus Feature - Access TradingView Account directly through the Dhan App :
You can now login into your TradingView account directly from the Dhan app, and enjoy live trading, charting, data analysis. All drawings that you create and indicators you save on TradingView will be accessible through the Dhan app as well. No need to log in separately on your mobile or desktop. With the Dhan app, you can access your TradingView charts anywhere, anytime.

We hope this new experience will help you. We are continuously optimizing our investment experience based on your requests. Every suggestion and feedback that we receive from you, we carefully evaluate and incorporate to build Dhan.

Do let us know your feedback here or on or share with us directly from the Dhan app.

Product Team @ Dhan