Trade History Download

Presently I see that trade history is only for viewing. Shall we have a download facility for the trade history? An excel format download would be better.

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Hi @TMJ noted, this is in our list of things to do.

I usually track all my trades in my personal tradebook. I need daily tradebook from Dhan to track and analyse my trades. Could you please do something for me to download the trade book in excel format? The contract note provided in PDF is no way convertible for this purpose. Please note, other brokers like Zerodha provides an excellent tradebook download in this case.

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Why is it taking such a long time to provide trade book download facility? I noticed some discrepancy between trade history and the contract note. Already wrote to helpdesk.

Hi @TMJ,

We are working on your concern, and will revert you on your registered email id.

Hi @TMJ, you can now download your trade history. Read more on this here - Update: Now you can download Trade History as CSV