Tradingview chart settings

dhan has introduced wonderful feature of trading from tradingview charts… the minimum timeframe is 1 minute… tradingview has timeframe from 1 second, its available for paid version

can dhan make lower timeframe available than 1 minute? like 30 second or 15 second?? can tradingview premium account holders with dhan account use 1 second timeframe?

please introduce this feature for TV premium acc holders with dhan acc.

Hi @SAphadke

Thanks for your kind words about Dhan. There are two libraries for TradingView - one they use and the hosted one that we have enabled on and inside Dhan app & web.

Whenever TradingView extends any features to the library we use, we immediately implement that and make it available for our users on Dhan. Unfortunately the one you are looking for 1 second timeframe isn’t extended as of now. If it gets done, we will make it available on Dhan for sure.

Since you are using, suggest exploring the Free Webhooks that we provide. More on that is here : Introducing Webhook Alerts : Direct Order Placements on TradingView from Dhan