Watch list Enhancement

I am writing to propose a new feature that I believe would greatly benefit Dhan users, including myself. The feature involves enhancing the watchlist panel on the web platform, specifically the left side. I suggest dividing it into two parts: Part-1, which would display “My Watchlist,” and Part-2, which would offer a “Market Mover/Screener” section. The purpose of this division is to provide users with more flexibility and customization options based on their preferences.

By implementing this feature, users like me would be able to conveniently manage their personal watchlist in Part-1, ensuring easy access to their selected stocks or securities. Simultaneously, Part-2 would offer an additional section where users can explore market movers or utilize a screener tool to identify potential investment opportunities based on their chosen criteria. This separation would streamline the user experience and empower individuals to make more informed decisions while using the Dhan platform.

I believe that incorporating this feature would enhance the overall functionality and user satisfaction of Dhan. Thank you for considering my suggestion, and I look forward to seeing further improvements in the future.


Hi @Nahmja, Good to see you again after a long time ! I hope everything is going well for you.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your idea for improving watchlists by segmenting them into portions with a market movers section. We’ll undoubtedly look at ways to improve the experience for our users.

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Thanks @Sameet for the acknowledgment…
Hope all is well with you…