Add F&O stocks in readymade watchlist in Indices Tab (the way U added Nifty50,Nifty500) & extra column of Turnover & OI change % in this

@PravinJ @Naman @shraddha @Dhan @Dhan_Help

Add F&O stocks in readymade watchlist in Indices Tab (the way U added Nifty50,Nifty500,Niftybank)

give us a list for F&O stocks the same way you guys have given Nifty 50 in indices.
In this Tab also show us the Cash price & Cash Volume)

  • Add
    “Turnover” column & “OI change %” column in this list.

As a Trader i want to sort all F&O stocks according to my need which is really must have feature nowadays & will help Many traders. so we can focus on the right stocks from the variety of F&O stocks only !

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Hi @Varsha777

Thanks for your feedback. We will try to incorporate your suggestions.