Basket Order - Iceberg Slicing

Hi @Dhan_Help

Basket orders it seems doesnt support Iceberg feature. On the web it shows the order will be sliced. On mobile app there is no way to slice it. Either Way when the basket executes order fails due to freeze quantity exceeded issue. This means when we try to trigger option order baskets from webhooks this causes an issue unless we manually slice the orders and place in the basket. So please add iceberg feature in basket order form.


Hi @t7support

We are already working to add iceberg slicing in basket order, noted your feedback.

We will remove the nudge of order will be sliced in the next build from web.

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Thanks. Good to know that.

Hey @Sameet is this done?
I started using dhan in June’23, and I cant seem to find the slicing/iceberg feature in mobile app right now for basket orders

I can find it using the normal search bar and manually slicing each leg of my order

Hi @wicked_sunny,

Yes, we are working on to provide iceberg in basket order and it is expected to be introduced in the next build.

Can we get a ETA @Sameet , thanks

Hi @wicked_sunny,

We have this feedback, however at the moment, we are unable to provide an estimated timeline. Once we go live, we will definitely update our community members. Stay tuned until then!