Charts on Dhan: What happens behind the scenes and how Charts work exactly?

I sincerely appreciate your candor @PravinJ . One of the reasons why a community at Dhan is a good place because of that.

Any trader as an individual is highly dependent on what brokerage provides to them, will have to take what brokerage provides. Nothing unusual about it as long as what brokerage provides is transparent and is full of integrity.

However, it is also important to understand the problem at course here. We are not talking about the new features or new asks and for that matter – it is simply about what is already being provided but is not being met at good operational standards.

just this morning we had few users stating chart load times were high - we immediately were able to deploy additional machines to ensure we cater them well… mentioning this as topic is of charts.

This is a problem, sure, but given the experience already gained in terms of running the infrastructure for over a year, this should be bare minimum about increasing the machines on demand before the problem is surfaced and brought out by the clients. Infact, I would just go about it as a business need to just cater to the growth demand (more new clients, more connections. Data slowness problem seems to be addressed by having just enough compute capacity at disposal and for ready to absorb the demand.

What is missing here – if you ask me, honestly it is – Operational Excellence –
data slowness is a compute problem but data precision problem is not. Data precision quality is what is the concern here.
Many trading decisions are just made on what is seen (it is okay to see the data late by couple of seconds but not okay to see a wrong data). Please take a look at Unreliable charting data for Index options? about the repetition of this.