Detailed MTF report: Ledger analysis ETA?

Dear Dhan,

Dhan has to put more of an emphasis on reporting. One of the reporting stack’s components , the MTF-related reporting is weak.

As a user, I’d like to know how much MTF interest is charged from me daily, weekly, and monthly.These details are not available in current ledger reports.

Read that this would be completely addressed with the upcoming ledger analyis report in this post.

Any ETA? @iamshrimohan

I am aware that you guys are constantly adding new features, but the existing reporting area needs some serious improvement.


HI @rustam we understand your concern but operationally and product wise it is not possible for us to provide you the daily, weekly and monthly time-frame interest rates. We do compute interest on daily basis but post it accumulated on a weekly basis.

Having said this, we have recently revamped our Ledger Statement which now comes along with Ledger Analysis which is basically a cash-flow of your funds (including MTF Interest header in the Cashflow outwards section) . Kindly request the statement from Statements and Reports Section over Email. Ideally select the date range since your inception with Dhan to get a complete overview of funds.

Do let me know incase you need any assistance.

@iamshrimohan this is the kind of ledger report I am getting from app for my wife. EMPTY report WITH NO AMOUNT ENTRIES AT ALL. Hard to believe that I have to open reports everytime to see my own invested amount. What if I am not a excel expert? Please bifurcate MTF and own invested amount under FUNDS section only. (Pls Refer UCC code to see the details of wife’s account)

@SagarK Request you to please fetch the ledger again, possibly at the time you fetched the ledger, there could be some intermittent issue. Having said this I’ll get this checked for RCA and would surely fix that.

The report is a combined ledger (Normal + MTF). The funding amount by Dhan changes everyday due to margin movement and hence will be very confusing for the client to interpret it. However you can refer to the Analysis Report which will show the MTF Interest explicitly in the Cashflow Outwards section.

For non-excel friendly users, we are also launching the PDF of the same Ledger and Analysis Report, which will be live soon.