Update on DhanHQ Trading APIs: API Security ID List is now Enhanced

Hello API based traders,

We are constantly working to improve the DhanHQ API offering, making it simpler for all our users. On this, we have a quick update on the API Scrip Master (here) that you download daily to use DhanHQ APIs.

We have added new columns in the CSV file, to ease automated file reading. With this, we will also be adding an update to our client libraries which will make search even simpler, and you won’t need to write additional lines of code.

Here are the columns we have introduced with this update:

  • SEM_LOT_UNITS: Instrument Lot size as per Exchange
  • SEM_EXPIRY_DATE: Expiry date of contracts, relevant especially for F&O
  • SEM_STRIKE_PRICE: Strike Price of contracts
  • SEM_OPTION_TYPE: CE or PE for Call and Put Option respectively
  • SEM_TICK_SIZE: Minimum tick size for the instrument
  • SEM_EXPIRY_FLAG: W (weekly) and M (monthly) as per expiry of contract

We are building DhanHQ as an open source initiative, keeping access to our Trading APIs absolutely free for all Dhan Users.

Happy Trading!
β€” Hardik