While using trading view chart, Page title show different name

While using trading view chart, Page title show different name while TV graphs shows a different stock

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Hi @udaykrishna

Thanks and welcome to Dhan community. Can you let know how did appear… we are on help@dhan.co.

I just tried replicating this, but it all works fine on my machine. Can I request you to do a hard refresh on browser and clear cache, he had this reported long time back and fixed as well.

Unless you are using multiple charts, this will should ideally not happen.

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Now I got the issue. Trading view web page capturing previous Stock title irresepctive of what current stock you are watching in Trading vide. If i refresh the page twice (yes. Not once) the page title correctly showing with the actual chart
FYI: Iam using a single chart page.
While this is not a serious problem, see what best can be done

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Noted @udaykrishna

We ship updates to our trading systems and charts as well every week, some of them are visible updates on features and some are performance updates. Would request you to do a refresh on browser - specially charting one before your trading session just to ensure you are on the latest library update from our side.