Community Member Highlight: DhanHQ Tradingview Chrome Extension v2.0.13 - First ever Live Chat from TV chart, Screen Record, many more!

Hi All,

DhanHQ Tradingview Chrome extension was added with a new set of features as part of the v2.0.13 release. It’s available to download from Chrome Web Store.

Download link: Chrome Web Store - DhanHQ Tradingview extension

New Features added:

  1. Connect, The first-ever live chat widget on the trading platform, where you can collaborate with fellow traders (Followers only) directly from Dhan’s Tradingview chart. Now it comes with Broadcast (unidirectional) & Many to Many (bidirectional) chat functionality with Text, Audio & Image support.
  2. Screen Record - directly from the Tradingview chart without any time limit.
  3. Predefined Order preferences (now supports both docked/undocked order panel modes and buy/sell action button from the chart).

Some of the existing features available in the DhanHQ TV extension are:

  1. Predefined Order preferences.
  2. 1 Click order placement using shortcut keys from the Single/Multi layout chart.
  3. Bracket Order/Split order - Bulk Modify at 1 update action.
  4. Auto Order slicing for large quantity orders.
  5. Option Strategy execution directly from Dhan’s TV Option chain.

And, Many more features like RMS, Alerts, support for web.dhan, options.dhan are yet to release. :rocket:

A snapshot of the “Connect” platform :slight_smile:

A complete Overview of the Extension is available here:

[DhanHQ Tradingview Chrome Extension v2.0.13 | by Vinay S | Jun, 2023 | Medium]


[DhanHQ Tradingview Chrome Extension - YouTube]

Feel free to post your feedback, comments, and suggestions below here or at this survey link.

Happy Trading!

~ Vinay S


This looks really awesome @vinay_sd17 !

Glad to have you back, and with a detailed post. Pretty sure a lot of our community members will be benefitted by it :slight_smile:


Is that chrome extension and other stuff come free ,any subscription charges involved

Hi @Nivetha You have option for 3 days trial to try out.
And then you may need to subscribe for monthly/yearly subscription to continue using the extension